Free Photography Tutorial: Tragic mistakes in portrait photography that you may also make.

In today’s free photography tutorial I talk about my favorite photographic genre, portrait photography, and the tragic mistakes we all make sometimes!
Do you enjoy taking portraits? Perfect! Then you have DEFINITELY made at least 1 of these mistakes that I mention in today’s free photography tutorial. I know you did! And I will let you know a little secret. I make them too.
But why do we make these tragic portrait photography mistakes and how can we avoid them? Is the equipment to blame? Maybe our settings? The way we frame photos?
Well, in today’s free photography tutorial I will give you both answers and solutions! And I wish I could give so easily advice can could solve all the problems of my life!
So watch today’s free photography tutorial and see how many of these tragic mistakes you have made in YOUR portrait photography (I have done ALL Of them. Sigh ).